Partnering With Berxi

Want to partner with a forward-looking insurtech platform that delivers affordable, market-leading commercial insurance products and reduces friction for small businesses?

Look no further: it all adds up with Berxi. Our partnership programs offer a variety of collaborative approaches that can help you support existing customers or get in front of new prospects.

Interested in learning more? Feel free to email us at with a brief description of how you envision collaborating with us and we’ll have a teammate reach out to you to get the conversation started.

A Unique Approach

We’ve built our business on 3 pillars, with a focus on supporting and protecting our customers by offering a fast and intuitive experience.

Those 3 pillars are simplicity, savings, and security.


Our customers are busy people: they don’t have time to worry about liability coverage when they have so many other things to do. So, we decided to build a platform that would streamline the entire insurance experience for them from beginning to end — and that’s how Berxi was born. We’ve created a fully digital platform that’s available 24/7, which means that customers can get quotes and buy coverage within minutes. They can also manage their policies through their online accounts. And if customers ever need help, our team of licensed agents is available by phone or email to provide them with the answers they’re looking for.


We sell directly to customers, so there are no extra fees or commissions tacked onto their premiums. Because of this, Berxi customers typically save an average of 15% — and sometimes even more.


Claims is our product. If the worst happens, we stand by our customers. Our market-leading financial stability means they can rest easy knowing we have the expertise and resources to help make the claims experience as easy as possible.

Collaborative Partnerships & Structures

We approach each partnership with the goal of providing our respective customers with best-in-class products, content, and opportunities. Our diverse and experienced team (made up of industry veterans and technology experts) has created a platform that allows for unparalleled creativity and flexibility in the way we structure partnerships. As a result, we’re open to exploring a variety of partnership models that will align our businesses for mutual success, while prioritizing the customer experience above all else.

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