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dentist writing a dental incident report on a clipboard

Potential Dental Malpractice Claims: What to Do When Incidents Cause Concern

Berxi claims recall real dental claims incidents as well as important steps that should be taken if an incident occurs.

Hospital team running to an incident

Risk Management in Nursing: 7 Practical Tips to Try Today

Being proactive is one of the most important things nursing professionals can do to manage risk. Of course, risk management isn’t just about individual responsibility: it involves a complex series of clinical and administrative systems, processes, and reporting structures. Learn more.

professional liability insurance definition

What Is Professional Liability Insurance? A Guide to Coverage, Costs, & More

All professionals face risk in their careers when they are dealing with patients, customers, or any consumer. It is important to recognize these potential risks and take steps to reduce them. One of these steps is Professional Liability Insurance.

dental peer review board at a conference table

Your Complete Guide to the Dental Peer Review Process

Berxi is here to help you understand the dental peer review process.

Nurse writing medication out for a patient.

Real RN Malpractice Case: I Recorded the Wrong Medication Dosage & Then Learned I Didn’t Have Malpractice Insurance

No one ever wants to think about the mistakes that can happen on the job. However, they do happen. Read about how one nurse came to learn how important having a personal liability insurance plan can be.

woman distressed over buying professional liability insurance

Buying Professional Liability Insurance? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Trying to buy professional liability insurance can be tricky sometimes. Insurance can be complicated — and mistakes are bound to happen. Here's what NOT to do.

interviewer looking at business womans resume not asking illegal interview questions

9 Interview Topics You Can't Ask About

Ever wonder what you can’t ask about in an interview? There’s actually quite a list of interview questions that could get you and your business in trouble.

Nurse leading a protest for better working conditions. Nursing strikes are usually a last resort

Can Nurses Be Sued if They Strike?

Workers have a right to safe working conditions and to strike to get those conditions. Some industries have limits on this action, some don’t. But what about nurses? In this article we explain if a nurse can be sued for striking and alternatives to explore.

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