Becca Loxley

3 articles

Becca Loxley is a contributing writer for Berxi.

Smiling woman sitting in dentist chair and talking to her dentist before teeth examination.

9 Real Stories of Why Dentists Love Their Job

Being a Dentist isn't all smiles. Sometimes, the work feels like pulling teeth. However, there are pletny of rewarding moments too. In this article, dentists share some of the biggest bright sides of their profession.

starting a dental practice

How to Start a Dental Practice

One of the most important decisions you can make in your dentistry career is whether to work at an established practice or to start your own. Although it can be challenging, it also brings great rewards. As with any other major life decision, there are pros and cons to whichever option you choose. If you've decided that the time is right to start a practice of your own, you’re ready to put an action plan together.

graph showing poor to excellent | how to be better at your job

5 Ways to Do Your Job Better

Career coaches share the tips they give professionals for adding value and feeling valued at work. Use these strategies to perform better, boost your confidence, and grow your career.