Tiffanie Drayton

3 articles

Tiffanie Drayton, contributing writer for Berxi

Tiffanie Drayton is a contributing writer for Berxi.

African American man scrolling through page on smartphone

The 14 Best Physical Therapy Apps for 2022

These 14 apps will help you to simplify and streamline your responsibilities as a physical therapist.

Man consulting with female attorney who is writing notes on a clipboard.

What to Do If You’re Subpoenaed to Be a Witness

What does it mean to be a witness in a co-worker’s lawsuit? How do you handle a subpoena? Here’s an overview, plus 11 tips for testifying as a witness.

woman on phone with dog behind her buying professional liability insurance direct

Buying Insurance From Brokers vs. Agents vs. Direct — What’s the Difference?

Help decide what’s the best for you by learning all the different ways you can buy insurance.