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Podcasts for Dentists are a great source of knowledge and keeping up with trends

The Best Podcasts for Dentists

Dentistry is an ever changing industry. There are many ways to keep up with the trends, but one that has taken over the internet is podcasts. Read on for some podcasts for Dentists that go over trends and techniques for your profession.

Nurse writing medication out for a patient.

Real RN Malpractice Case: I Recorded the Wrong Medication Dosage & Then Learned I Didn’t Have Malpractice Insurance

No one ever wants to think about the mistakes that can happen on the job. However, they do happen. Read about how one nurse came to learn how important having a personal liability insurance plan can be.

Young African American woman with glasses reading article on computer and taking notes

The 10 Best Occupational Therapy Blogs & Vlogs

We scoured the internet and found the 10 best blogs that will help you stay up-to-date with all the goings on in the occupational therapy industry.

best occupational therapy podcasts

The 8 Best Occupational Therapy Podcasts

Keeping up with the current treatments and industry trends can help make sure you can give the best treatment to your patients. This lists includes 8 podcasts that can help give you insights into the OT world.

nurse writing on desk | best nurse entrepreneurs

Berxi’s Best: Nurse Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023

Bedside nursing is not the only route for a nurse to take in their career. Some nurses find that by venturing out on their own, they can continue helping others but find a lifestyle that fits them best. Read on to learn about some of these Entrepreneurs.

woman on phone looking at best free apps for small business owners

The Best Free Apps for Small Business Owners

The world is increasingly becoming more mobile. Don’t let your business be any different. Read on for apps that can help use your trusty smartphone to make your business keep running.

woman looking in the mirror in the bathroom preparing for a healthcare interview

How to Prepare for a Healthcare Job Interview

Going in for an interview can always be an unnerving situation. Healthcare is no exception. Don’t be caught unprepared in your next interview, and read on to learn ways to be prepared for might come your way.

woman distressed over buying professional liability insurance

Buying Professional Liability Insurance? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Trying to buy professional liability insurance can be tricky sometimes. Insurance can be complicated — and mistakes are bound to happen. Here's what NOT to do.

interviewer looking at business womans resume not asking illegal interview questions

9 Interview Topics You Can't Ask About

Ever wonder what you can’t ask about in an interview? There’s actually quite a list of interview questions that could get you and your business in trouble.

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