Jeanne Grove, Esq.

3 articles


Jeanne Grove, Esq. is a contributing writer for Berxi and a partner at the law firm Kaufman Dolowich Voluck, LLP. Grove focuses her practice on real estate and business litigation, including homeowners association and co-ownership issues, purchase and sale disputes and nondisclosure claims, and boundary, title, development, and construction matters. Her representative clients include HOAs, real estate brokers and agents, developers, lenders, property owners, and business owners. Grove is also a California licensed real estate broker.

Row of wooden houses arranged from shortest to tallest with yellow arrows resting on top of them highlighting the progression of height.

3 Reasons Why a Real Estate Boom Can Put Your Brokerage at Risk

It shouldn't be news to anyone in the real estate business that the market is red hot right now. However, with this boom in sales comes potential risks to both buyer and seller agents. While avoiding legal action altogether may be an unrealistic goal, being aware of these top three risks will help to limit your potential exposure.

real estate agent drawing up inspection contingency with clients

The Inspection Contingency in a Purchase & Sale Contract: Is It a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card?

We asked a California-based real estate attorney to help clear up some misconceptions around the use of the inspection contingency to break P&S contracts.

White spiral bound calendar planner against bright yellow background.

What Happens If a Real Estate Agent Misses a Deadline?

It’s important to keep in mind that the agent or broker is working with the clients to meet important deadlines — but the agent is not solely responsible for them.