Dan T.

3 articles

Dan T. is a writer and mechanical engineer who has worked on projects within the dental industry and uses his technical expertise to envision and write about the future of dental innovation. When not actively involved in a project, he enjoys hiking and mountain biking outdoors.

People with questions regarding their career paths and have questions to ask someone in the same career that they want.

15 Questions to Ask Someone During an Informational Interview

When seeking out career opportunities, information is a powerful tool. Besides personal research, try asking someone with experience in the career you want for advice and anecdotes. Here are 15 Questions to add to the conversation.

The future of dentistry and what to expect in your practice

The Future of Dentistry: 7 Things to Expect & Plan For by 2030

The world of healthcare is constantly evolving, and dentistry is no exception. In this article, read about the technology and advancements in treatments that lay ahead can make a difference to your patients, and possibly your practice.

interviewer looking at business womans resume not asking illegal interview questions

9 Interview Topics You Can't Ask About

Ever wonder what you can’t ask about in an interview? There’s actually quite a list of interview questions that could get you and your business in trouble.