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nurse bullying in cutout letters

Nurse Bullying: What It Is & How to Stop It

We asked Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CMSRN, CSP, of the Healthy Workforce Institute to share her thoughts on how to put a stop to nurse bullying in the workplace.

Blonde woman with long hair checking her weekly work schedule with colorful meeting blocks on her tablet.

Nurse Staffing Plans 101

Learn how a nurse staffing plan helps decide the nurse-to-patient ratio.

Man consulting with female attorney who is writing notes on a clipboard.

What to Do If You’re Subpoenaed to Be a Witness

What does it mean to be a witness in a co-worker’s lawsuit? How do you handle a subpoena? Here’s an overview, plus 11 tips for testifying as a witness.

woman on phone with dog behind her buying professional liability insurance direct

Buying Insurance From Brokers vs. Agents vs. Direct — What’s the Difference?

Help decide what’s the best for you by learning all the different ways you can buy insurance.

Young white woman with dark hair putting up a We're Open sign in her shop's front door

How I Started My Own Concierge Physical Therapy Practice

Karen Litzy, PT, DPT, shares her journey of starting her own concierge PT practice, as well as some words of wisdom for PTs looking to go the same route.

nurses in scrubs explaining nursing malpractice insurance

Insurance 101 for Nurses & APRNs

We'll give you a high-level overview of all the different kinds of insurance that's available to you, both as a nursing professional and as an individual consumer.

Young Asian-American female nurse wearing mask, white lab coat, and stethoscope taking notes on a clipboard in the middle of a hallway.

How to Write a Nurse Incident Report

This quick refresher will help you figure out what to include in your incident report and identify when you need to write one.

Whale's tail breaking the surface of the water.

Tail Coverage 101: What It Is & How It Works

If you’re changing jobs soon or retiring, you’ll want to read this quick summary to make sure your work stays insured.

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